Sunday, March 21, 2010

Scrabble in Boat (2)

...and so I hurried to the Scrabble club directly after work (yes I sometimes have to work on Sundays...).
It all started at 15:00. 6 games a 20 minutes with free challenge.
And it went like this:

Game 1 Grzegorz
Grzegorz bingoed twice, I only once but still managed to squeeze the win.

Game 2 Urszula
L: 305-311
One funny situation in that game -I was facing DEEIRS? on my rack and what came to my mind was DRESIE and I was struggling to find a valid bingo. After the game i found out i could have played aDRESIE and was devastated by the obviousness of that bingo. In the endgame I panicked seeing the clock hand reaching twelve and disregarding the small hand showing me the last minute. I lost with a blank on the rack...

Game 3 Grazyna
W: 364-411
Oh, I was lucky in this game. Grazyna told me she had bingos all the way through and ended plying only one with me always blocking the right spots for her :) What I found especially exciting was her playing ODYMANI on the double-double for 97 points when I stroke back with UBOJAMI with the A extending her bingo into ODYMANIA (whatever that means) for 94 points.

Game 4 Maciej
L: 274-385
No bingos in that game for me. When I tried to play DERBACh it got challenged off because I hooked his phoney *TENT to *TENTA...

Game 5 Jarek
L: 327-390
A nice bingo for me from Z to the TWS - (Z)AMGLONO for 92 with another possibilty to play GALONOM. In the end my opponent bingoed and I found myself with an awkward rack, having to exchange, then he closed the board and it was game over.

Game 6 Adam
L: 355-368
Could have gone either way. Adam went into the lead on the first move and I was chasing him all the way. I caught him in the middle by playing (C)IEŃCIEż for 103. This word is so awkward nobody would ever use it, Adam challenged it but it stayed on the board. When I look back on it, it was a miracle I found it - you just need to imagine facing CEEIIŃ? on the rack and making 100+ points of it. On the last 4 moves of the game I was mirroring Adam's score with 18 and 36 trailing by 1 point. He played out with 10 points got 2 points from we and won by 13. I wasn't a bit sad...

I'm quite happy with my performance. I beat one strong player again and spotted some nice bingos like SZWALN(I)E meaning LATHES which is a word you immediately associate in Poland with LODZ as this city used to be the main textile production centre in Poland.

More about Łódź:

My bingos:

So only 1 bingo / game
50% blanks


Anonymous said...

but why does Vicky say Łódź is the third largest city in Poland, since it's the second, hm

Bartek said...

oops, I must have misssed on something. Actually Łódź is now the 3rd biggest city in Poland after Cracow (according to Wikipedia at least).