Sunday, January 11, 2009

History continued

And then on February, 23rd 2003 I started playing literaxx.
The game can be played on and if you're lucky you may find me there - my user name is literaxx.

Playing literaxx I met my first girlfriend. Our relationship ended in 2004 when I moved to Szczecin (a city 200 km from Poznan) in search for a better job. A year after that my ex-girlfriend emigrated to Ireland, so I guess it wouldn't have worked out anyway.

Literaxx, due it's board structure forces a defensive and close style of play. This is the place where I learnt my 3's - after two years of playing I could say, I knew all of them.

In October 2005 I played my first official live tournament. It was Polish Scrabble in Poznan. I placed 30th out of 70 with a 7-5 record. This brought me the prize for the best debutante. Proud as I was back then, it remains my best performance ever in a Polish Scrabble tournament.

Earlier in 2005 I was willing to play in the English Scrabble Championships in Poland in Nowe Miasto Lubawskie. I even signed up for it, but due to a lucrative job offer (as an interpreter for two German insurance detectives) I was forced to withdraw.

This meant waiting the next two years for my first chance to play in an English Scrabble tournament in Poland (...)

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